Currently, Winter Fusion has moved to a one day event in December
The Virginia Beach location may one day be the approach to this winter event in the future. Currently, the event has been a one day event which includes go-carts, laser tag, 9 Square in the Air, dinner, and a worship service held on one of the last few days of December.
Winter Fusion is a mid-year Christian retreat for High School and Middle School students at Virginia Beach. It is a time of fellowship, worship and fun. Teens will stay at Comfort Inn & Suites on the ocean front and travel to a church for worship. The retreat is anchored by the Fusion Camp family, a group of youth leaders who love teens and put together a summer camp.
Student And Leader Registration ....... By December 15th
This is registration of all of your leaders and students that are attending the event. A $50.00 per student/leader registration fee will be required during this registration. This registration will include a long sleeve T-shirt from this event if registered by 12-15-19. This registration is required to help in setting up room assignments and family groups.
Schedule Sunday, December 29th 4:00 PM Check In and Registration 7:15 PM Worship Monday, December 30th Free Breakfast at Hotel 9:30 AM Family Groups at Church 10:30 AM Worship Noon Lunch (Pizza Lunch Provided for group) 1:00 PM Family Groups 2:00 PM Free Time 7:00 PM Family Groups 8:00 PM Worship 9:00 PM Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Tuesday, December 31st Free Breakfast at Hotel Check out of hotel before going to worship 9:45 AM Worship 11:30 AM Goodbye & Head Home |
HRBC Worship Team
Retreat Speaker